Welcome Back…

It has been just shy of one year since I posted on my blog…

Time for a change!

Welcome back friends, I’m so excited to have you here. I am on a new journey in health and fitness, and I just can’t help but want to share it with you! So in the coming weeks, you will get the full unload of what I’m going to be doing throughout the summer, but until then, here is a list of things to expect in my coming blogs.

  • Health and Fitness Tips
  • Links to exciting new fitness programs and supplements
  • Post on topics like depression, accountability, teamwork, and supporting one another, specifically as women.
  • The diet plan I am following
  • The workout I am doing
  • My weight-loss journey (I’m currently losing 1 pound a week)
  • And most of all, how I’m spending my time and earning more money to pay off my mounds and mounds of debt.
  • My faith, and how it is shaping my journey to health and wellness.
  • My Like Page
  • My BeachBody Shopping Page

My main plan and goal for the upcoming blogs will be to help you all change your lives in the process of me changing mine. I want to be on the forefront of helping myself and my friends battle the national obesity epidemic and not become statistics. I want more than anything for us all to live long lives sharing and laughing together until we think we’re 30 again. Thanks for following!

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