Together We Stand or Stab?


Please tell me you’ve seen the TV Show STRONG on NBC? I have been watching it on HULU lately, purely for the fact that its women working together to get their fitness. So this post isn’t solely based on this show, BUT this show made me think.

So here’s the scenario…

The Gray team has been struggling and went to this “elimination tower” and won twice now. So they are strong but then they lose the medallion challenge putting them back in the tower. Purple team wins, which means they have the power to chose who goes in the tower. So the next challenge, the winner is immune from the tower, so Purple being the strongest team decides to throw the whole thing, win until the very last minute, eliminate everyone but Gray and then let them win at the end so they could avoid being in the tower because the girl on the Gray team was injured and just bruised and broken.

So this made me think…

Here’s a girl who down and out and everyone would have said, let her go back to the tower and get eliminated. BUT the Purple team said no way, I’m not kicking someone when they are down, they’ve proven to be here so I’m going to save them instead. WHY ON EARTH DON’T WE ACT LIKE THE PURPLE TEAM IN OUR DAILY LIVES?! I mean, I’m not one to kick a man when they’re down, but I can’t always find the courage or strength to reach out my hand and lift them up, even when I’m feeling called to do so. Why do we do that to each other?

So I wonder what the world would be like if we put a bunch of women behind a computer to type away and chat with each other, how long do you think it would take before everyone ripped each other apart? Its a downward spiral. So why not look at it differently, let’s lift one another up. It takes way more courage to be an up-lifter and helper than it does to be a coward and hide behind our words or computer screen. I’ve had enough negative women in my 31 years to last me a lifetime, I would love to have some positive people to surround myself with(thankfully, I have that!).

But ladies, seriously, WHY do we do this to one another? Aren’t we all made in God’s image to be a likeness to Him and His actions? I thought we should be supporting, caring, tenderhearted, strong, discerning women of God who share His glory with all we encounter? So wouldn’t that mean supporting our fellow woman and extending a hand to the needy?

So let’s make a pact to stand together and lift each other up in our daily journeys, let’s pray our fingers only type kind words even if our head tries to tell us otherwise, and let’s reach out to those who are struggling and do whatever we can reasonably do to help them.

There is no reason we can’t all be STRONG together!

Share with me in the comments what really gets you down and how you overcome it!

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